Monday, December 19, 2011

19-12-11 AMAZING

Hi everyone,

well it's the week of Christmas and we are all so busy, in the rat race of life running around madly buying gifts for our loved ones. But amidst the mayhem, and in the pouring rain last night, I had some amazing, magnificent, crystal clear visitors appearing at my front door. I want to share some with you all, so much as my time right now permits. See below:

It's easy to distinguish between what is rain drops and what is spirit orbs. These are all amazing as always. They tend to shine more brightly in the rain. Lovely.

Rob xx

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hi all, it's been a little while since I wrote and I know there are now many of you that look forward to checking in on my blog to see what new and wonderful photos I may have to share. I struggle at times to know what I should and should not share. Some are so very personal for me, and so I keep them close by, choosing not to put them out there in the IT universe. But here today I have a wide array of pics of various types of light beings that are surrounding our home here. They are just beautiful and bring tears to my eyes every time they appear. I am overwhelmed with their presence, and in awe of their beauty. I don't know what else to say, so will just leave you with these to look at and contemplate.


Rob xx

The orbs appear to be creating a doorway, an opening in front of me. See here above and in the two below.

 See the amazing colors to follow here:

 The following is a spirit orb in motion, leaving a tail of sorts:

I continue to show just some of my photos on this blog, to support the spiritual journey of others out there, to open your mind, body spirit, to the possibilities. I always say, you never know who is right beside you and all around you, trying to connect with you. Look at your photos, listen to your mind, body and spirit, when you feel that presence around you. Don't question it. Don't let anyone tell you you are crazy, you are imagining, etc. The spirits are other light beings, will show themselves in the way and form, that they think YOU will notice, see, feel and understand. If you see, feel or sense someone, your first thought, your gut feeling will tell you who or what it is. That's it!!! Don't doubt yourself. Go with it. YOU KNOW. IT'S IN YOUR 'KNOWING'. No one else can take that away from you.

And from what I have seen here, they ARE here, they ARE nearby, they ARE all around us, if only we would stop, be quiet, and take the time to listen, feel, and see.


Rob xx

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well it's been a little while since my last post, but have been continuing my journey with the Ancestral realm, spirit realm, angelic realm and other light beings. It continues to be an  amazing experience for me, with this wondrous connection getting stronger all the time. I talk to those around me out there at night, and ask them to come closer and show me their faces, so I can know who they are and understand what they need from me. So I am finding that they are. It's just beautiful. Here are some of my experiences over the past week:
masses around caravan out in yard.
beautiful colors and so many orbs
Face on the wall
Hard to see, but there's a large face with hood over head, like in biblical days

You tell me? We don't have animals that glow at night here in Australia. Do we?
huge, large and small orbs
Large hazy orbs. Yes one night they were all hazy.
I see this soooo clearly. What do YOU see? It's amazing and magnificent.
In this last photo I see masses of spirit orbs uniting to form an Angel. Yes, wings and all. I see it so clearly. Does this mean that whilst I am Aboriginal and thoroughly believe in the everlasting life of my ancestors in the dreaming...that the dreaming and heaven could be one and the same? And that our Ancestral beings, as light beings or spirit orbs are our direct connection to God/Biami, our creator? And that the dreaming (or Heaven), is right there within reach, close enough to touch, all around us in the here and now?
I wonder. Profound. And yet really really enlightening. 

Love and Light

Rob xx

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

12-10-11 FAIRIES

Fairies.....what are they really? 

We have heard about them as children growing up, in fantasy stories, fairy tales. We have heard legends, seen movies all of which talk about the existence of fairies. I as an Aboriginal woman here in Australia, have grown up hearing about our own Dreamtime stories, our creation by the rainbow serpent, Biami (God), and am proud to be a descendent of the oldest living culture in the world. Yes, 70000 plus years.
And I have also learnt to embrace the cultural beliefs of other Indigenous nations and groups around this planet, some of which have very similar beliefs to my own people. 
I was raised within Christianity, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and over the years, as an adult have had to come to terms with my strong ancestry, cultural beliefs and figure out where christianity fits into that for me. I think I have now, with the  help of my parents, reconciled all of that in my own heart and mind. Or mind, body and spirit.

And now I am starting to think more broadly about other cultural beliefs and legends from around the planet. e.g. Fairies.  

And as time has gone on, and with recent experiences with light beings being so powerful and incredible since the recent loss (11 months but that's like yesterday for me) of my darling mum, it is no surprise to me to start to see angels in my photos along with spirit orbs.

This has also extended further now to what I believe are fairies:
As I walk around outside my home around my property in the dark night, talking to my Ancestral spirits, and taking photos as I have been doing for some time now, I have found that the spirits are not afraid of the photography, but instead come closer as I ask them too. I think they want to be seen. They want to make that connection with the living.

But what I have also noticed on and off  now, is this tiny light being that I see as a fairy. She watches me, she appears in 5 out of 10 photos, and is off in the distance, but every now and then comes closer for a dorry (peek), then dashes out to a distance again. But she is there.
You might look at these pics and say, "yeh right!! your imagination! seeing what you want to see!! You are off with the fairies...literally!" And that's your perogative. But my heart and mind tell me at that very moment as it happens, that it is a fairy. Hey, do we really know what a fairy would look like anyway? other than story books and fairy tale perceptions?
Well I am no expert. I have no idea when it comes to fairies. But what I DO know is that after being out there in my garden, and around my property in the calm of night, alone, but feeling the really strong and powerful presence, seeing them at that very moment through the lens, and feeling that inner sense of knowing that that is what it is, then who am I to question or doubt? Once I start doing that it will all stop. I have learnt to be OPEN, LISTEN, BE PEACEFUL OUT THERE, and give them a chance to be seen and heard. And in doing that, I know the rest will come. They will help open my eyes so I can see, open my ears so I can hear, open my mind so I will know, and open my spirit so I can be absolutely sure that I understand what it is that they are looking to me for.Yes, truly experience open communication with them. That is my hope.

Thank you mummy for opening the door to the other side.


Rob xx


Hi all,

I have the overwhelming sense that life truly is eternal, due to the ongoing interaction with spirit orbs, light beings, spirit energy here at home. The connection continues, and I am in awe of such amazing presence, colors, intensity, the array of sizes and shapes, and the responsiveness of the spirits when I talk to them. The types of connections, interactions and presence is evolving and I feel truly blessed to be able to experience such wonder, with those that have gone before. Whether animal, human, angel, or fairy, they are here. I am a believer!!
Although I have been 'passed' the understanding from those present, that animal and human orbs, are very  much the same, they just choose to come into THIS life and world, in one form or another. Hence, why so often our animals seem so human.....
5am this morning

spirit vapor: I see faces
 Whenever this vapor like being appears, there are most often faces peering through in the dark gaps. Or the vapor itself takes the form/shape of a person, animal of some sort. Whichever way I look at it, I see faces. Usually Aboriginal, adults, children, and sometimes non-Aboriginal faces from the colonial period.
 This last pic I want to share, appears to be a hand in front of the camera. It is NOT my hand...mine was holding the camera clicking the pic. It looks like a child or baby hand. I have been told by an old psychic friend of mine, who is in his 80's that there are children all around me here (spirit children). When he told me that we already knew because they appear in our photos. He confirmed it for us. Is this the hand of a child? I wonder...........
What is this? a little hand?
Yes it's all just wondrous, special, extremely powerful on a spiritual level and I am deeply humbled by their presence.

Thank you mummy



Monday, October 3, 2011


Hi everyone,

I continue to have some beautiful, magical and amazing experiences with spirit orbs and light beings here at home on my property, in my home and in my healing centre Mulana Kaalinya. I just want to share a few little tidbits.

I find that in the rain the orbs come out even brighter and clearer. It's as though they love the cleansing nature of the rain.  But they also lose their shape slightly, looking a bit wispy, and breaking down slightly. 

See in the pic below how they do this. But also take note of the image on the top right. I have had this a few times now in the rain. It always has a bright light in the centre of it. It is an extra special light being, of which my sense tells me is an angel.

Here is another pic taken, where a simlar light being appeared in the rain:

And one more:

Whatever it is, it provides such harmony and peace to our home.

There are times when the most unusual light beings appear. Ok, yes, I say unusual, when in fact all of these light beings to you might be unusual. But for me, these light beings have become just a part of life here at our home. They are here, we welcome them and talk to them always, in an effort to maintain our connection, and build on it. But there are light images appearing that really ARE unusual, and I can't work out what they are, but they do shine and shimmer, just like orbs etc. See below:

 No, I don't understand it but it has appeared twice now.

There are also many many rainbow colored images such as this below:

The are interesting in that, they often look as though the spirit orbs are coming out of them. As though they are a tunnel, or pathway, to the 'otherside'. The 'DREAMING'. Sometimes this light being, rushes into this atmosphere from the other side, and then upon seeing me and my camera flash, actually retracts...back into itself to the otherside. Such food for thought.


See this photo taken in the mid morning as the sun rises high in the sky. The red images appear whenever I take a photo into light or mirrors, when the flash comes back on itself. So I always figure it's to do with cameras, lights etc. BUT, see the orb in the sky behind me over the trees. It is below these trees that my ponies live, where I have overwhelming presence of orbs at night. Well they are there always, but only usually appear in my night or dusk/dawn photos.

There is so much more to tell and share, and contemplate. And I will do so, as I go along. But here is a final image for today:


I often take photos of my profile to see if there is anyone with me in the photo. What often appears is my breath in the cold or my own aura.. But in this photo, regardless either of these, two images are formed that I can see. One is a pink/brown face appearing over the ridge of my  nose. The other in front of my face is a baby lying on it's side, so it looks like I am nursing and kissing the baby. What do YOU see? I often have faces in the orbs, or in the darkness between the orbs. As though just their face is peering through the darkness from the other side.

That's all for today. I thank God, My Ancestral Spirits for showing that they are all around us here, guiding and protecting us. And I especially thank my darling Mama, who has opened the door to the 'other side' for me, just as she said she would. Darlin. 

Until next time.....


Rob xx