Friday, January 6, 2012


Hi there, 

we are finally through into the New Year 2012. The Christmas New Year period is often really challenging to some of us. Sometimes I wonder why we do it to ourselves. I am not good with Christmas at all. After 40 years of difficult Christmas' stemming from inter family politics, I have learnt to do my own thing when it comes to Christmas day, and work very very hard to support hubbys family commitments during that period. Many of us do that for our loved ones/partner. But it more often than not, goes unnoticed. Yes we are the silent ones. 
But I feel there are Guardians around us, who, from the Spirit World, see and know our hearts; see our pure intent; see and know who we really are and what we really do behind the scenes to ensure that those around us, have what they want and need, while being silent. I have noticed lately with my Spirit Orb photos the orbs are getting larger. I take my photos with 3 different cameras and my iPhone. The only large photos I ever had were in the iPhone. But now, they are starting to come through more and more on two of the other cameras. My iPhone camera  has been playing up, so I haven't been using it, so I think they realise they have had to find another way to be seen. Now in the iPhone, they have been loud, clear and colorful. I think there is some difference in the types of camera that has made it easier for them to be seen in the iPhone and not the cameras at all. So now that they are starting to appear in the cameras they are hazy, not so clear, seem a little distant. This is them starting to try and come through into a different camera pixel/resolution thingy I reckon. Not that I understand cameras much, or the lingo. But something like that.

Anyway, below I have provided a range of photos that show the way in which those larger orbs have started to appear, and follow me around watching me, at night as I move from one part of the property to another in the darkness. In this first photo, when I left my home which is opposite to this building (My dads flat), I stood on my front step, and they were waiting opposite, and watching. And lots of them.  Now, keep in mind that these next few photos are not so great because that night my camera ISO settings weren't great.

The mob
I move out further to take a pic of my own house, and this lone large shimmery orb was watching me.                                   I even see a face in it.
I got to the paddock, and there it was, still coming along watching.
Then it moved upward from the gate, and showed itself in a far deeper depth and color, with slight red and blue tinges on outer level.
I then moved further to the other side of my dads flat, but looking from the paddock. There it is, above the flat, amidst many others. Also see the really bright shimmering one down low. The one up high to the left is the moon.
I moved back along the flat, toward that original gate two pics back, and it came along. But I also see others in the background over the flat, very vague but still there. Must be the original group from the first pic.
Then it came down for a closer look, ready for me to climb over the fence, and go straight past it heading back to my  house. I think there is more than just one there. Another on the wall of the flat, very vague, and some in the distance.
Still there waiting and watching.

I have seen them quite a lot the last week or so, but these were all from one night and seem really clearly to be following, watching, guarding. I feel protected by all the orbs, but especially these ones.Then next morning, in broad daylight, around 10am, I took this photo up in the trees that are in the paddock which I am standing in in the photo above. And there it is. I took three photos and it was there in each. It even looks like another to the left of it, or it's radiating its color into the trees. I 'see' much more in the trees, but I will keep that for me for now.

So yes, I am getting the strong feeling these are guardians of a  higher order. Guardian Angels or Guardian Spirits? My grandmothers and grandfathers. My beautiful mum.Yes, I believe, all of the above.

Have you looked at your photos lately? Had a closer look to see who might be there, trying to show themselves? go and have a look. If they think you might seem them and be open to seeing them, they are more likely to radiate their light and show themselves to you. When I say that to people they get all 'windy' (that is scared in Aboriginal talk). But just think, that could be a granny, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, child of yours. What is there to be afraid of? We need to be more afraid of the living these days, than those that have passed on. Especially our loved ones.

Much love & light

Love you mum xox

me xxx

1 comment:

  1. Robynne these orb pictures are incredibly amazing! You must have a great connection with spirit! ;-)
