Sunday, January 1, 2012

1-1-2012 NEW YEARS DAY

Wow! we are here already. How time flies. The past year has been so challenging for so many of us. Some of us have really struggled in health on a physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, economic, and/or environmental way. I too have been on an arduous journey, finding my way, stumbling here and there, as I learn and grow, and trip and fall, and get back up and brush  myself off, and continue on. It isn't easy I know. We have all been there.

New Years Resolutions:

So it's that time for New Years Resolutions. We have all make em and break em. This year I have given a lot of thought to mine. First one, Not to break those resolutions I make.  Yes, very good start. I have a few. Some too personal to share, and some I make a little note of here:

1. Meditate every day.

2. Every day, start the day by writing in a Gratitude Journal. Something I am grateful for. All in a big effort to maintain positive thinking. Afterall, we get what we put out, and the more we think negatively and cry around about the things we don't want or the things we don't have, we focus so much on that stuff, that that's what the universe gives us. So from this point forward taking significant steps to write each day what I am grateful for, and focusing on what I DO HAVE.

3. Concentrating more on my Health and Fitness. No more DIETS. Horrid word that. But focussing (as I have been for 6 yrs now), on a healthier happier lifestyle. Eating healthier. Keeping active. This includes a gluten, dairy and red meat free diet. With lots and lots of water, and fresh fruit and veg. Protein shakes including blueberries, every day; and freshly made juices. Curries with garlic, ginger, chilli, and all the good indian spices such as turmeric, cumin, coriander etc. All very good for healthy mind, blood flow/circulation, immunity and to fight those factors that can lead to altzheimers, poor memory, another chronic illnesses that seem to plague everyone, but especially my mob, in Aboriginal Australia.

4. Slowing down. I discovered late last year that I have Chronic Fatigue. I wondered why I had been sooooo sooooo tired for so long. Mind you I have been working 6-7 days a week for as long as I can remember. Having little time for much else in life. So that is already changing. Actually the universe plotted against me and forced this to happen because I ignored the signs and kept on going. Much to the detriment of some work relationships and other business. Not much I can do about that now, except reinvent myself and my path.

5. Finish my fathers research and book asap. Aiming for June 2012. Dedicating time each week to write, and see the story of dad, mum, our Great grandfather Thomas Shadrach James, and other ancestors whose stories should be told.

6. Relax in my hammock atleast an hour each day.  (gee maybe resolution 1 and 6 can unite). Sounds good.

7. Continue to spend time with the ancestral spirits that continue to show themselves all around us here. Talking, listening, and working in body, mind and spirit to open the channels of communication, by raising my vibration. Still learning how to do that, but the meditation, healthy body and mind, and relaxation are a great start I feel.

8-10. Yes, it's like a 10 point plan. But yes, there are a couple of others, but they will remain mine to keep close to the chest.

Ancestral Spirits, Spirit Orbs and Light Beings:

And now to Ancestral Spirits. As always, they are ever present, and overwhelming. I cry when I see them. No I don't see them with my own eyes, but when I take the photos and don't look through the camera lens, I can see them with my own eyes as the flash lights them up. It's ever so humbling, beautiful, and inspiriting to me. Yes, they have inspired me to do a  number of things which include:

1. Lead a healthier life in how I look after myself, in an effort to raise my vibration so that I may be able to communicate with them more openly and vividly to the point of assisting them in what it is they may need. e.g. to pass over to the dreaming. Or to communicate with loved ones. Or to heal.

2. To support others to connect with them. I have already started doing this in two profound ways.
   i. Supporting people to connect with spirit through spirit journeys (similar to shamanic healings/journeys). Whether done in groups during conferences, or for individuals here at my healing centre I am able to support clients to meditate, and go to a safe place, where they have been able to make amazing connections with loved ones who have passed on. To stand before them. talk and listen to them. And receive a gift. It is so very powerful and promotes great healing allround.
  ii. By supporting clients whose homes are, as THEY say "haunted". To the point of clients feeling they have a poltergeist type presence in their home. I have been able to work with spirit, the ancestors of THAT land, to connect with that presence, take photos, confirm the presence, and provide a 'smoking' of the home, to promote healing and support the entity to pass over, if need be. In some cases, they aren't always a negative poltergeist type entity. In some cases they are positive, supportive, loved ones, whom the client has not really been able to connect with, or sense that it is a positive presence. This too can provide some amazing peace for the client and the spirits.

I will continue along this path as it is something I love to do, and I am loving making such a strong, powerful connection with our loved ones that have passed over to the Dreaming. As I always say, life is ETERNAL, and that is what they have taught me. They have also taught me that "it is TIME". Time to talk openly about their presence, provide opportunities for our mob to get stronger about our connection to spirit, understand they are ever present, connect with them, find peace in knowing they are there, and draw on their wisdom, knowledge, leadership and strength to move forward into the future. My work in doing this also extends to people of all cultures and backgrounds, who find that they too are on a journey that has now intersected with the need to connect with spirit, or heal any negative spirit experiences.

New Years Eve:

And now to finish up, I have some more spirit orb photos to share from last night first. The orbs are consistently here all around, as I go outside every night to sit and talk to them. Their colors, sizes, shapes, the look of their texture, responsiveness to me, and emanating light, is incredible. Last night, there were a number of orbs whose light was brilliant. You will see below. 

All amazing orbs but also see the shimmering white orb in top left corner. And the interesting texture and color of some.

A beautiful photo full of an array of orbs all sizes, spiraling before me, with beautiful colors and a light butterfly to boot.

Here the orbs look like they are gushing out of Mother Earth. See again the different sizes, colors and textures.

similar photo here, gushing out of Mother Earth, masses of spirit orbs, beautiful colors and some shimmering white orbs.

What can I say? an interesting array of spirit orbs. Beautiful.

a close up of two shimmering orbs, and array of other orbs.

Amazing colors - earthy, pastel and others.

As always, my ponies are protected.

An amazing presence outside my dads bedroom window at night. He is protected. Again, a shimmering orb too.
These orbs look like they are gushing out of Mother Earth, desperate to be seen.
Some wispy hazy looking orbs in the wind two nights ago. And assorted colors present.

Interesting! No it's not my finger. besides it's transparent and I couldn't get my finger on that part of the camera anyway, as I am right handed and fingers are up high on camera taking the pic.

So, what more can I say? The spirit orbs/Ancestral spirits continue to remain here at home and around the property and healing centre. It is very special, sacred, and very very calming here. A very special place. Words cannot describe how I feel, each night I go outside and sit amongst them, talking to them, to God, to our creator to the Angels, to my Guardians, to my grandmothers and grandfathers, and to my darling mum.  It is clear, they are all there. Thank you.

One last photo I want to share is that of a fairy from last night. Who says fairies don't exist?? Take a look and decide for yourself. She has beautiful long black hair, a beautiful dress, and is always around (or THEY ARE), but is finally coming close enough to truly see her). What do you think? I see her very clearly. I have no doubt:

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. And here is a thought for your  new year. Create a Sacred Space at home, where you can go and light a candle, or fire, be at peace, meditate, and talk to those around you. You never know what might happen. Great connects can be made. If only we take the time to try, be quiet, and listen.

Much love

Rob xx (Love you Mama) xxxx

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