Fairies.....what are they really?
We have heard about them as children growing up, in fantasy stories, fairy tales. We have heard legends, seen movies all of which talk about the existence of fairies. I as an Aboriginal woman here in Australia, have grown up hearing about our own Dreamtime stories, our creation by the rainbow serpent, Biami (God), and am proud to be a descendent of the oldest living culture in the world. Yes, 70000 plus years.
We have heard about them as children growing up, in fantasy stories, fairy tales. We have heard legends, seen movies all of which talk about the existence of fairies. I as an Aboriginal woman here in Australia, have grown up hearing about our own Dreamtime stories, our creation by the rainbow serpent, Biami (God), and am proud to be a descendent of the oldest living culture in the world. Yes, 70000 plus years.
And I have also learnt to embrace the cultural beliefs of other Indigenous nations and groups around this planet, some of which have very similar beliefs to my own people. 
I was raised within Christianity, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and over the years, as an adult have had to come to terms with my strong ancestry, cultural beliefs and figure out where christianity fits into that for me. I think I have now, with the help of my parents, reconciled all of that in my own heart and mind. Or mind, body and spirit.
And now I am starting to think more broadly about other cultural beliefs and legends from around the planet. e.g. Fairies.
And as time has gone on, and with recent experiences with light beings being so powerful and incredible since the recent loss (11 months but that's like yesterday for me) of my darling mum, it is no surprise to me to start to see angels in my photos along with spirit orbs.
This has also extended further now to what I believe are fairies:
This has also extended further now to what I believe are fairies:
You might look at these pics and say, "yeh right!! your imagination! seeing what you want to see!! You are off with the fairies...literally!" And that's your perogative. But my heart and mind tell me at that very moment as it happens, that it is a fairy. Hey, do we really know what a fairy would look like anyway? other than story books and fairy tale perceptions?
Well I am no expert. I have no idea when it comes to fairies. But what I DO know is that after being out there in my garden, and around my property in the calm of night, alone, but feeling the really strong and powerful presence, seeing them at that very moment through the lens, and feeling that inner sense of knowing that that is what it is, then who am I to question or doubt? Once I start doing that it will all stop. I have learnt to be OPEN, LISTEN, BE PEACEFUL OUT THERE, and give them a chance to be seen and heard. And in doing that, I know the rest will come. They will help open my eyes so I can see, open my ears so I can hear, open my mind so I will know, and open my spirit so I can be absolutely sure that I understand what it is that they are looking to me for.Yes, truly experience open communication with them. That is my hope.
Thank you mummy for opening the door to the other side.
Rob xx
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