Hi there,
haven't been here for a little while with the demands of life, but back now to check in and share a few photos and thoughts. I have been having some changes with my interaction with spirit orbs, with larger orbs becoming more and more apparent. At times there appears to be one or two present that are enormous, but just couldn't put my finger on them to share here now, so maybe I am not meant to. I am finding though, that the bigger they are the more clear the faces are that are appearing. Even more than one face, like couples, or mother and children, or sisters and brothers. Yes, I guess I am saying they are family combinations.....a small family unit, that have united on the 'other side' in the dreaming, just as we know is to be.
This makes me feel great peace in the sense of my darling mum, and the understanding I have always had that she too is with her family group. I have always had now doubt. But the photos seem to reinforce that understanding and bring such comfort. And yes, I have seen my mum's face a number of times now.
I have a range of photos below of varying sizes, brightness, colors, shape etc. And this brings me to a point I want to make. I have read and heard via others, that the some 'experts' in the world say that if it's not shimmering like a bright light, it's NOT a spirit orb. I now have the most clear and definite understanding and knowledge from what I have seen first hand, on a constant nightly basis now, that this is not correct. Spirit orbs vary in size and shape, and color. AND, they radiate their light, WHEN THEYYY WANT TO. They come close, and move back, move around, shine their light, then fade, then shine, then fade, as THEY want to. Depends if they are watching only, and staying in the background, or coming forward and shining brightly to ensure they are seen...and they are wanting to interact. I am getting stronger in my own knowledge now, and the wisdom 'they' have bestowed upon little old me. This truly IS, how it is. Watch in some of my photos how the larger orbs, stay in the distance and stay don't shine so much. Then follow me around, still a little faded, then suddenly shine bright once they feel it's ok and safe to do so. Safe in the sense that they realise that I AM NOT AFRAID. That I am ready to see them, and I won't be frightened by them. Anyway, take a look below:
Photos from 5am Thursday 9th Feb 2012:
3 large orbs in my backyard...one out in the paddock in centre of picture. |
See the very large spirit orb, in centre of picture, out in paddock next door.I sense it's one of the same orbs in pic above, but has moved over and enlarged. They do that. |
Then two more orbs in the top end of my back yard (the others above were to the right of this one). This orb has put all it's energy into shining it's light brightly; it has chosen to make sure I see it and is shining in all it's glory. My mother my guardian. I have no doubt. Darlin. | | | | | | | | | | | |
Some night time Spirit Orbs:
Still watching |
Some interesting light beings:
Some amazing masses of tiny, small and large Spirit orbs, forming unusual arrangements:
2-3 faces in the large orb in the centre.
Visitors in my Healing Centre during the day:
Visitors in my home in the evening:
And some very unusual visitors:
This pic was taken at the same time (5am), on the same day, as the first few photos. |
No it's not a spider. |
That's all I have to share today. But it makes you think doesn't it?! the dreaming is not so far away from us. It's right here beside us. All around us. And our loved ones, and others, are just waiting to be seen, noticed, and heard. Take the time to be quiet and listen. You never know what might happen. But it's all-good!
Much love and light
Rob xxx