Sunday, December 30, 2012

30th December 2012 THE YEAR IS ENDING

Hi all, 

it has been a little while since I last wrote, and that is because I have been in the final stages of completing a book I have been writing for my darling father. I am happy to say that the work is done, (for now) so I have a little time to write and share with you some of my beautiful contacts with the 'other side' recently.

Below are a range of different orbs that have visited with me in my healing centre the past couple of nights. I feel so blessed to have the Ancestors around me, responding to my calls. Some people call this conjuring up spirits. No! definitely not. This started with me just taking photos two years ago out in the darkness; not in a million years expecting to have such amazing photos. Over time, I just sit and chat with God, the Angels, the Ancestors, my Grandmothers and Grandfathers and my beautiful mum. It is they who choose to respond as they do. It is they who chose to allow me such a powerful and enriching connection.

I hope these photos inspire you to 'connect' with those around you, especially your loved ones who may be right beside you now, trying to connect with you. Have no fear. If they think you aren't ready; if they think you are afraid, they will hold back, waiting until the time you are ready.

Much Love

Rob xx 

First of all I have a special photo from within my healing centre here on my property.
See this arangement of 3 orbs: then see closeup below:
 In this I see another heart just like my mother's heart to the right of this page. In calling on my darling mum to let me know she is here with me last night, this is what has come to me. Mum is with two other family members visiting me.   

To the right and below, these are some pics from around my property. As you will see below, they are spirit orbs on both sides of the fences, which prove that they are not merely dust on the camera lens.


To the right and below there are a range of different light beings/orb arrangements and sizes.

here and below are an assortment of other spirit orb photos from in my healing centre.


Left and below are some amazing photos from the healing centre. As if they aren't alll amazing. But still, these are what I call tunnels, through which the spirit orbs travel from one realm (the Dreaming) to another (us here).

These 3 orbs are here again, but now at the very centre of the healing room, over the centre candle.

This large orb wth tinges of blue and orange on it's edges, follows me everywhere around the property here.

See this huge orb to the left, in the corner of the healing room, surrounded by so many others.

And see to the right more incredible orbs and different arrangements again.

What can I say?

Here is a beautiful colored orb outside my home.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hey again, 

Wow! what can I say? I am so blessed and fortunate, and yet humbled to be able to view both with my own eyes, and through the lens, the presence and release of spirit to the Dreaming....that is, the Dreaming in Aboriginal Australian terms. I am now regularly doing a smoking ceremony here on my property, as I am finding it is healing for me and my land here, but also, seeing that it is very powerful for all the spirits around me. They (in the form of spirit orbs and other ways), are drawn to the sacred fire, flame and smell of the smoking gum leaves. It is very special. I continue to share some photos with you, in an attempt to raise awareness, as I have always said, and provide some hope and comfort to those who often wonder, where their loved ones have gone, after they have passed on.

What I am finding from my personal experience is that there are many different types of spirits and light beings all around far as the spirits, there are some  who are lost souls who need to pass to the 'dreaming', and the smoking ceremony, provides them with safe passage to the dreaming. Then there are others who are Guardians, Angels, or other special light beings, who are here to watch over us, walk among us, whisper their wisdom in our ears, hold our hands, as we go about our daily lives. They too are there gathering the lost souls to the fire, to make safe passage to the dreaming where they need to be.

Why they picked me to help them do this, I don't know, but I know that my darling mum opened the door for me to be part of this, and that my Ancestors, and so many others, including little children, especially little girls, gather around me here, waiting for me to come outside and meet with them.  I will do so again tomorrow night, as part of my now weekly ritual of creating the sacred fire for us to gather together.

Some call this conjuring up spirits. NOT AT ALL. I never did that at any time. They just suddenly appeared, after my mum passed away. I had no idea what they were , so I wasn't going looking for them. It is by accident that I came to realise they were here. And I am never going to take that amazing connection for granted in this life. It is my hope that that connection will deepen and become more clearer as time goes along. I know that they are protecting me in that they are not completely showing themselves to me too much. They only seem to be showing me bits and pieces as they think I can handle it. For most, this would be too much too soon  I guess, so they are mindful of frightening me. 

But I am not afraid at all. I am ready and willing to talk, listen, hear, and support in any way I can. I hope that some day soon that means I can also support others who have lost their loved ones, to help them connect and communicate, to reach a greater sense of comfort about life beyond this place. I now realise, that life is truly ETERNAL...that love is all around us. They may go, but they never leave. It is a blessing. 

And to say they shouldn't be here is not correct so far as I can see. From what I have now seen, our Ancestors, the Angels, and our Creator, are all there together. Is it possible that the Dreaming and Heaven are the same place? That all around us is precisely where they need to be. Where they are meant to be? That the Dreaming or Heaven is not out there so far's right beside us, and all around us, just in a different dimension? That is what I have come to believe.

Here are some special photos from the Smoking Ceremony I did here last Saturday night, the 15th September 2012. I hope you get some comfort from these, just as I do:

I love this!! The smoke has a life of it's own, and the Spirit orbs, are glowing, as though very happy to smell the smells of old such as the fire and gum leaf smoking.

See how all the orbs are completely in the smoke, and no where else in this pic. They are making their safe passage to the dreaming.
What can I say?
what do you see here?
 And then the most amazing one of all.....

In this pic, the color is amazing....the photos before and after were completely like the others above, but then this one......To the left are the tiny spirit orbs moving toward the right.....they appear to be going into the circle.......have I captured a photo of the opening to the dreaming? I wonder. The camera is fine and normal. As I say all the other photos are usual color. This is phenomenal. 

And this is all I have for you today.

The moral of the story, is to keep your mind open; take time for yourself to sit quietly, listen, hear, because they are there...waiting to communicate with you. It's allgood. 

Much love

Rob xx

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hi all, I have been busy on the journey of life, but now have just returned to my blog, to write an share some new photos with you all.

I continue to have this magical and beautiful relationship with spirit and am humbled by their continued presence all around me. I feel, hear, see, them all around me and night. I feel them arriving on the breeze, they answer me on the wind, and they find amazing ways to demonstrate their presence.  And I am very fortunate that they choose to show themselves to me in photographic form, or through birds and other signs. The responses to my questions and calls, are instant. It is a wondrous thing, and I thank my darling mum for opening that door, when she left us for the dreaming. She too has found ways to respond to my anguished calls as to her whereabouts by sharing her light heart to me on more than one occasion. And that is so powerful as it reaffirms to me, the beautiful bond I share with my mum, even as she is out there in the dreaming watching over me and all that she loves. I do not talk past tense, as to me, she is still here living, but just in a different dimension, alongside all her family, all our ancestors, watching and waiting to connect with us all.

As I take photos, they will show themselves in the form of spirit orb, other light beings, and human form. And now as time goes by, I find as I look at other photos, e.g. photographers photos used on cards, or in picture frames, I see light beings and spirit. I know I am being progressed along a learning path, whereby spirit is working with me, showing themselves to me a little more every day, as they see that I am not afraid, and I am ready and willing to sit with them, talk to them, and not be afraid at all. And I am not. I feel such peace and humbleness at their presence. And so I know in time, this other world will open up to the point that .......well, who can I predict what is ahead for me? I just know I love it, it is beautiful, and it's there for us all, if we are OPEN to it.

And now some photos for you:

My smoking ceremony I held in my back yard in my sacred fire, on Saturday 25-8-12:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Personal Smoking Ceremony

Hi there, just sharing a few photos I took during my personal smoking ceremony in honor of my Ancestors. They were pleased and came along, drawn to the fire, and gum leaf smoke that I am sure reminded them of days gone by. Very special. I also see many people in the various formations and movement of the smoke. You will see that the smoke is enveloping the spirit orbs and especially in the lasta photo, the smoke is carrying some away to the Dreaming, where they need to be. All is as it should be. xx